Monday, March 5, 2012

Review and Author Interview: The Fruit of the Fallen by J.C. Burnham

Dr. James C. Burnham was born in Oklahoma and lived in small, rural towns until his family moved to Northern California at the age of nine. He was said to have a Huckleberry Finn childhood. His backyard was the Sacramento River where he fished and swam at leisure. As a teen he left the Sacramento Valley to attend a private boarding school just north of San Francisco where he was encouraged to develop his talent for writing. He later graduated from Pacific Union College with a degree in music, and after moving to Southern California, completed a master's degree in school counseling and doctorate in education with an emphasis in learning psychology. Dr. Burnham currently lives and teaches in Riverside,California. 

When an infant is thrust into the arms of Dr. Jonathan Keats by a dying nun, he finds himself accused of murder. His search to identify the child carries him to Europe and to a secret religious society who reveals a prophecy of unimaginable proportions.Serenity D'Evele has always known she was different. When she begins hearing strange voices call to her in her dreams and is attacked by an evil creature, she is forced to consider a frightening possibility. Little does she know that the very love she turns to for help could destroy all she holds dear, and their every action, every decision, could decide the fate of the world.

                          *A copy of this novel was provided by the author for review purposes*
My Review: I really enjoyed this novel and going on Serenity's journey and also Jonathan's. I loved some of the characters in the novel and the details and how everything was played out.
      First, let's talk about the characters. Serenity was a 15 year old teenage girl who was trying to figure out who and what she really was. She wasn't a kick butt heroine which is what all YA novels that are coming out  seem to have, but she wasn't whiny all the time which I liked. Sometimes I though it could have given more of her feelings but since it is told in 3rd person, I can understand why the author didn't. Jonathan was a likable character but sometimes her got really uber annoying. I felt like he was a 2 year old whining for his mother. I know why he was whining but I am not going to tell you because of a spoiler but he was whining all the time.
   Next, let's talk about the plot. The plot of the book was very... interesting and unique. Alot of YA these days is dystopian, fantasy and one or two other things but this, well, I don't know if I would classify it as paranormal or what. Serenity was amazing at being independent and not depending on everyone when she needed something, important or not.
    My overall thoughts of the book are definitely that I will be picking up the next book in the trilogy and that it was very unique. At some points it would get confusing with Jonathan and the writing style sometimes confused me on details and dialogue like who was talking. Other than that it was very enjoyable and I would definitely recommend for you to pick it up. This novel is self published through Xlibris and I will give you guys a couple of links to where to purchase it: Barnes & Noble or The Fruit of the Fallen.

Describe The Fruit of the Fallen in 3 words.
spooky, intense, compelling

If you could retitle The Fruit of the Fallen, what would you call it and why?
I was considering Serenity Falls, but that might be the title for the second book.

What do you feel like is your biggest accomplishment to date?
 I am proud to have been accepted into Stanford University's creative writing program.

What are your 3 biggest fears?
1. Mediocrity
2. Disappointing my fans.
3. Losing the inspiration that keeps me writing.

Do you plan on writing more novels for readers to enjoy?
Absolutely. I plan to finish the The Fruit of the Fallen trilogy. I am also working on another literary project that explores a high school shooting. 

What authors have inspired you?
Hemingway, Tolkein, Raymond Feist, Amy Tan, James Herriot, Tom Clancy, Dr. Seuss, Frank Herbert

Who would you rather be in a fight with, a hellhound or fallen angel?
A hellhound, without a doubt. There is something tangible about a hellhound. I've always thought that evil, even pure evil, can be defeated. Plus, at least you know what you're facing. With fallen angels there's always the chance that they are more than you realize.
                                          *Thanks so much for stopping by*

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